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Research Site Close-up:

Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA  •  Tel Aviv, Central, and Northern ISRAEL

Cultural-religious groups include Hindus and Muslims living in Vadodara, Gujarat, India; as well as Modern Orthodox Jewish people living in and around Tel Aviv, Israel and Muslim Arab people living in Central and Northern Israel 

PIs:  Mahesh Srinivasan (PI) • Gil Diesendruck (Co-PI) • Audun Dahl (Co-PI)


PI: Kushnir

Mahesh Srinivasan
Audun Dahl

Mahesh Srinivasan (PI) is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He directs the UC Berkeley Language and Cognitive Development Laboratory, which explores how linguistic, cognitive, and social abilities arise and interact during human development and across different cultures. Dr. Srinivasan’s work on social cognitive development has addressed topics including the development of social group concepts, normative development, and religious cognition. His work has been published in journals including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Cognition, Child Development, and Developmental Science, and has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the James S. McDonnell Foundation.


Gil Diesendruck (Co-PI) is a Full Professor at the Department of Psychology, Director of the Language and Cognitive Development Laboratory at the Gonda Brain Research Center, and currently Head of the Interdisciplinary Unit, all at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. His research – focusing on children's cultural learning and social categorization – has been funded by the Israel Science Foundation, German-Israel Foundation, and Volkswagen Foundation, and has been published in leading journals in Psychology. He has been an Associate Editor of the journal Child Development, and is currently Associate Editor in the Annual Reviews of Developmental Psychology and Journal of Cognition and Development.


Audun Dahl-Aaberg (Co-PI) is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His work centers on the development of concerns with right and wrong from infancy to adulthood. Using behavioral experiments, naturalistic observations, structured interviews, and surveys, his lab has examined the development of helping and harming through everyday interactions in infancy; judgments and reasoning based on moral and other concerns among preschoolers; reasoning about religious norms among adolescents and adults; and decisions about academic integrity and cheating from high school to college. He has published articles in the Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Psychological Science, Child Development, and Developmental Science and has received funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Gil Diesendruck

These are images of Vadodara in the state of Gujarat, India, a research site for this sub-grant.

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